Wednesday, 30 July 2014

My rocket

Today i Made a rocket ship with Saar at school

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Tuesday, 29 July 2014

Kei te pehea koe?

We are learning to ask how someone is in Te Reo and reply to the question.

Brooklyn and James used puppet Pals to show what they have learnt.

Do you know how they are feeling?

YouTube Video

- Posted Miss D

The zoo

I am so excited to go to the Zoo, I can't wait to see all the animals and get food to feed the Kangaroo's and watch the zoo keepers fight the big Crocodiles and also eat my lunch near them all. I would like to feed the giraffes.

Literacy today

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Look at our working hard on our stations

- Posted Miss D

Monday, 28 July 2014

Silly sentences

Look at the super silly sentences Eliott and Devon have written.

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How does a plane fly? Emilia

If the plans' wigs wi sid waas the ew mac the plans drop.

If the planes wings were sideways the air would makemthe plane drop.

How does a plane fly? By Alfie

A plan flis bi the ppel posing the eR bhid the plan the plan

A plane flies by the propeller pushing the air behind the plane.

-Postedp Miss D

How does a plane fly? By Devon

A pian nesi ey to fli. It catchis unda the wings.

A plane needs air to fly. It catches under the wings.

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How does a plane fly? By Lucy-Rose

a plan flis and the er poshis it the mor it poshis the plan gos hiy

A plane flies and the air pushes it.  The more it pushes the plane the higher it goes.

By Lucy-Rose

How does a plane fly? By Isla

A plan nes er to fliy if a plan didt hav er it wod tabol dan.

A plane needs air to fly. If it didn't it would tumble down.

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Friday, 25 July 2014


We are learning to measure. Today we used our body's to measure because Nicola had been measuring at home.

We measured back to back, our feet and our hands to find someone who was similar to us.

YouTube Video

YouTube Video

I measured my hand and my height -Alfie
I'm the same height as Lachlan -Emilia
I measured my foot and my height -Aspen

- Posted Miss D

Thursday, 24 July 2014


We are busy estimating Ted's height.

Here is what we did

Ted is 12 blocks high.

Posted Miss D


We are learning to estimate the length of something. We are estimating how many children would have to stand finger tip to finger tip to be the same length as the classroom

Indygo thinks 16
Gracie thinks 12
So does Brookyn A
Emilia, Summer, Devon, Lucy Rose, Olly and Alfie thinks 20
James A thinks 50
James L think 19
Eliott thinks 19 too
Orla thinks 30
Isla thinks 18

Summer changed to 10
Devon now thinks 6

Gracie was the closest with her first prediction

The classroom was 9 people long

Posted Miss D

Wigram visit by Gracie

Yesterday I went to the air fos mozem and lond that you cant fell air and that .
You cant smal air. Plans cant fly with out air.

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Airforce museum by Orla

On Wednesday Room 1 2 3 went to the ear host modem.on the scabingerhunt I found all of the fings.even we learnt ubout ear and houw plans fliy . Plans can fliY wen the wings are out.

Wigram Airforce Museum

On Wednesday Rooms 1, 2 and 3 went to the Airforce Museum.  I learnt that fire need air to keep flaming.   I learnt that the air pushes the plane forward because of the propeller spinning.  It was super fun.  I liked the finding the plane with skis because I had never seen one of those planes.

By James A

Airforce Museum Visit

yesterday we went to the airforce museum on the school bus. We met Chris the teacher and he taught us about flight. I learned that pans nned air to fly

Wigram Airforce Museum

On Wednesday Room 1 2 3 went to the Eaehost modem Criss Tolt us about air my fillet was the ska ch hunt we haveto fiind a redcapit it was futastk.

By Nicola

On Wednesday rooms 1, 2, and 3 went to the airforce museum, Chris taught us about air. My favourite part was the scavenger hung. We had to find a red carpet. It was fantastic.

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Wednesday, 23 July 2014

Wigram Airforce Museum

Today we went to the Airforce Museum as part of our immersion for our flight inquiry.
We had a wonderful day in the museum classroom and exploring the museum.
Thank you to the parents that were able to come with us.

Here are some photos from our trip.


Posted Miss D

Monday, 21 July 2014

Week 1 term 3

Today was out first day back after the holidays. It was nice to see everyone.
We are learning about measurement. Today we measured Ocean.

On Wednesday we are going to Wigram Airforce Museum. We are leaving at 9am

We drew some pictures of things that can fly. Can you guess what they are??

- Posted Miss D

Friday, 11 July 2014


This term we are learning about measurement. Can you find something at home that is longer than your arm? Can you find something that is shorter than your arm?

Friday, 4 July 2014

Visiting year 7/8s

Today we got invited to the year 7 and 8 celebration of learning. They made toys as part of their inquiry. Room 2 loved seeing all their amazing interactive toys and voted for their favourites.


Posted Miss D