Friday, 30 May 2014

Pmp with Our Lady Star of the Sea

This term we are doing Pmp.
We get to work with our friends in room St Francis at Our Lady Star of the Sea.
It is lots of fun to work with different children and make some new friends.

YouTube Video

- Posted Miss D

Wednesday, 28 May 2014

Learning about Brazil with Room 4

Today and yesterday Room 4 came to Room 2 to learn about Brazil.

They shared their learning at the end of the two lessons

Ben knew that Brazil was in South America
Alice showed us where it was on the map
Jett knew the Amazon Rainforest is in Brazil
Flynn knew that flamingos live there and toucans
Meika knew lots about the flag. She told us that the green was the rainforest, and the blue was the sky and that it had stars on it
Axel knew that they grow coffee beans in Brazil

Here are some photos of what we did

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Learning about Tanzania with Miss Kent

What do we already know about Tanzania?

James said,"Tanzania has lots of Tanzania trees."
Lucy-Rose said,"Tanzanian people like to wear lots of colours and beads."
Devon said," I think there are tornadoes in Tanzania."
Summer said,"Tanzanian people have dark skin."
James A said,"It is really hot in Tanzania because the sun is close to their side of the earth."

We found out that...

Gracie found out that the Tanzanian flag is green, yellow, black and blue.
Isla found out that Tanzanian people wear bright colours.
James A found out that Tanzanian people like beading.
Alfie found out that jambo means hello.
James A found out that they speak swahili in Tanzania.

We loved learning about Tanzania with Miss Kent. She told us about her two visits there.

- Posted Miss D

Monday, 26 May 2014


When we aren't working with Miss Dippie we work on different stations to do with words or our inquiry.
Here are some photos of what we have done this morning

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Friday, 23 May 2014


We are learning about Brazil for our Inquiry. Each teacher is going to teach us about a different country.

Next week Room 2 are going to see Mrs B in Room 4.

Here is a folktale from Brazil called Why the Monkey Still has Tail

Our Star of the Sea Friends

Today our friends from Room St. Francis at Star of the Sea.
We did lots of different activities together. We built with the blocks and made a town. We did lots of beautiful drawing with the chalk.

- Posted Miss D

Shape cartoons

Check out these great shape cartoons Isla and Aspen drew to go with our shape poem

Miss Garner got us to think about what would happen if car tyres were triangles.
We thought it was pretty funny.

- Posted Miss D

Tuesday, 20 May 2014

Room 2 have had a busy start to Week 3

We are starting to learn about blends.  For Monday and Tuesday our blend is bl.  We are learning that with a blend you can still hear the separate sounds that make it b... and l...

We have also been working on using the My Story app.

We have been drawing beautiful images and recording our stories over them.  We save them into ibooks so we can listen to each others work.

Here is one of them

James is showing where he thinks different places are in New Zealand 

Devon is building a bridge 

The Shapes Song

Monday, 19 May 2014

New Zealand Post Book Awards

Today we had two visitors from the Christchurch City Library come and read us the finalists from the New Zealand Post Book Awards.

Miss Dippie has read us some of these as we have them in the school library.
We can vote for our favourite.

Here is a snippet of "The Three Bears -Sort Of"

YouTube Video

- Posted Miss D

Friday, 16 May 2014

Art lessons

On Thursday we had art lessons. We learnt how to draw a panda.

- Posted Miss D

Wednesday, 14 May 2014

Tuesday, 13 May 2014

It's Book Week

Our theme is

Me on the map

We have been making our own "me on the map" books.

We started with us, then Sumner School, Colenso St, Sumner, Christchurch, New Zealand

Devon showed us how to draw New Zealand.

- Posted Miss D

Me on the Map!

Makey gav crokdioow sum bagoow muky said dot blow the bagoow up bat
Monkey gave crocodile some bubble gum monkey said don't blow the bubble up but

Crokdioow ded Iisn to makey crokdioow blow the baoom up pop makey was
Crocodile didn't listen to monkey crocodile blew the balloon up pop monkey was

Mad maky tad the bagoom a rad crokdioow mad
Mad monkey tied the bubblegum around crocodiles mouth.

- Posted by James. L

Monke gav crokdil sam babgm and monke sed dot low a babgm a babgm is trabl.

- Posted by Brooklyn. B

Muk gav Sam bubo gam to krokdi he sed dot blo a bab a bab si Chrab .
Monkey gave some bubble gum to crocodile he said don't blow a bubble a bubble is trouble. By Summer

The cocdiol codettoc toc mmmmmmmmmmmm. The muciie fow bubogm to
The crocodile couldn't talk mmmmmmmmmmm. The monkey found bubble gum

H fow bubogm to him and dot bow a bubol.
He Threw bubble gum to him and said don't blow a bubble.

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad
Mucky fawned some bubool gum and he gav caokydiyl it and caokydiyl blow a
Monkey found some bubble gum and he gave crocodile it and crocodile blew a

bubool pop wooooosh went the livs of the trees Mucky was made and he toyed up
Bubble pop wooooosh went the leaves of the trees monkey was made and he tied up

cacdiyls muss.
Crocodiles mouth.

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad

Monday, 12 May 2014

What am I?

I have 8 sides
I have 8 corners
What am I?

- Posted Miss D

What am I?

I am round
I have no corners
What am I?

- Posted Miss D

What am I?

I have 4 sides
I have 4 corners
All my sides are the same

What am I?

- Posted Miss D
In the weekend I biced on cashmere hill. My dad went on the rog stit. It was mothers Day.

In the weekend I biked on Cashmere hill. My dad went on the wrong path. It was Mother's Day.

By Nicola

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In the weekend I tushs smle fish sclaltin. I was at the bech with my famley. I fut it was a stic.

In the weekend I touched a smelly fish skeleton. I was at the beach with my family. I thought it was a stick.

By Gracie.

In the weekend my nana and grandad came over to my house. I play'd barbey's togiether . by 0rla

In the weekend my nana and grandad came over to my house. I played barbies together.

By Orla.

My weekend by James

In the weekend I went to Aqjim .My cousin woz teching me! Iwons hapee!

In the weekend I went to aqua gym. My cousin was teaching me! I was happy!

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad 'by James'