Friday, 12 December 2014

Junior Christmas Concert

Yesterday it was our Christmas Concert .  The first thing we did was Rudolf the Red Nosed Reindeer.  Next we did our dance. I felt marvellous.  I saw my Mummy and Grandma.  She waved. It was all I wanted.

By Lucy-Rose 

The Junior Christmas Concert

Yesterday it was the Junior Christmas Concert.
First we sang Rudolf the Red Nose Reindeer  and after we did our song. I was nervous when we first got onto the stage. I tried as hard as I could to sing and dance.   At the end of the show I heard a very loud clap. It was my Dad.  Then Miss Kent got up and spoke and said it was good.  After the whole performance we got to see Santa Claus.  He gave us lollipops.

By Gracie

Wednesday, 3 December 2014

I spy with my little eye

 I spy with my little eye something beginning with t.

It eats meat.

It has black and orange stripes.

What can it be?

By Isla 

I spy with my little eye

I spy with my little eye something beginning with p.

It has a yellow beak and it eats fish.

It lives in the North Pole .

What can it be?

By Aspen 

I spy with my little eye

I spy with my little eye something beginning with r.

It grows in the garden and some smell nice.

They can be red, yellow or white.

By Nicola 

I spy with my little eye

I spy with my little eye something beginning with f.

It has a hat.

It has overalls.

It wears boots.

By Brooklyn A

I spy with my little eye

I spy with my little eye something beginning with b.

It is brown and furry.

It likes to eat fish and dig dens.

What can it be?

By James L 

I spy with my little eye

I spy with my little eye something beginning with t.

It is orange and black.

It lives in the wild.

It is an animal

By Eliott

I spy with my little eye

I spy with my little eye something beginning with r

It lives in the garden.

You can pick it and smell it.

By Orla 

I spy with my little eye

I spy with my little eye something beginning with v.

You can not breathe there.

It is amongst the stars...

By Alfie 

I spy with my little eye

I spy with my little eye something beginning with o,

It has eight legs.

It has suckers.

It lives in the ocean.

It has wobbly legs.

By Emilia 

I spy with my little eye

I spy with my little eye something beginning with s.

It lives under water.

It has a curly tail.

By Summer 

I spy with my little eye

I spy with my little eye

It lives in the ocean.

It has eight legs.

By Lachlan 

I spy with my little eye

I spy with my little eye something beginning with d.

He likes going to the beach.

He lives with me.

He is brown and furry.

By Gracie 

I spy with my little eye

I spy with my little eye something beginning with sh.

It is small.

It is at the beach.

By Indygo 

I spy with my little eye

I spy with my little eye something beginning with t.

It has sharp claws.

It has sharp teeth.

It has stripes.

By Olly.

I spy with my little eye

I spy with my little eye something beginning with r.

It is red.

It smells lovely.

It drinks water.

By Ocean 

I spy with my little eye

I spy with my little eye something starting with m.

It lives in the jungle.

It likes swinging on vines.

It likes bananas.

By Luke. 

I spy with my little eye

I spy with my little eye  an animal starting with t.

It has sharp teeth.

It is big!

By Brooklyn 

i spy with my little eye

I spy with my little eye something beginning with h.

It has brown fur.
It likes going in water.
It can gallop.

By Lucy-Rose 

Tuesday, 2 December 2014

Our Vivaldi Inspired Stories.

I think they are going on a hike to visit the king - Summer

I think it is a parade of trumpets. I can see people dancing through the night. The moon is shining and everyone is happy.  - Gracie

I think children are skipping along happily to go and fly their kites. The kites are flying around doing loop the loops.  - Emilia

I think a family is going to a beach and they are going to have a party. -Lachlan

I think the classical music sounds like adventure music. In the music the adventurers are hunting T-Rexs- Alfie

I think someone is going on a treasure hunt and at the end they find a ballroom in a castle and in the ballroom is a huge chest. - Orla

I think a family is going to Sydenham Park to fly kites. The kites look like birds in the sky. Eliott 

Our inspiration for writing today

Tuesday, 25 November 2014

Friday, 21 November 2014

Athletics Day

Yesterday we did athletics,  I felt excited.  Next it was stations.  First we did high jump.  I jumped really high. Next it was long jump.  I jumped really far.  After that it was hurdles, I was versing Luke. I won!   Next it was shot put. Brooklyn B won.  I felt happy because it was fun.

By Alfie

Yesterday morning we did athletics. I felt nervous because there were a lot of parents.  I liked doing the long distance and the high jump.  We did high jump first.  We did long distance, after long distance we did shot put. I felt proud at the end.

By James L

Yesterday the Year 0-2 did athletics. I felt worried about athletics.  The first activity we did was high jump.  I jumped over the rope and I felt proud.  Next we went to long jump.  I jumped into the sand box.  Then we did the hurdles, we had to jump over the yellow hurdles.  We went to the egg and spoon race.  After that we did long distance  and finally we did shot put.  I felt very proud of myself.

By Aspen 

Thursday, 20 November 2014

Athletics Day - PMI


When I did the ring toss. I didnt win but that was ok for me - Gracie
When I ran around the whole field - Emilie
When I ran down the ladder in the egg and spoon race - Emilia
When Brooklyn and I tied in sprints - Alfie
When I did the hurdles - Aspen
When I ran around the whole field - Isaac
When I tied with Brooklyn A at long distance
The shotput - Heather, Charlie Ocean, and Finn
I liked doing the race - Amelie
I liked getting tied with Brooklyn B at hurdles - James A
When I did the high jump - Nicola, Bruno Arlie and Summer
When I won the sprints - Lily 
The egg and spoon race - James L 
When I won the shotput three times - Eliott
Doing the long jump - Ned, Harry, Isla, Olly Luke and Emily 
When I did the big running race and came second - Orla
Winning once in shot put - Brooklyn B
Doing the rings - Henry
I liked doing the sprint - Brooklyn A


I didnt like the rings - Amelie
I didnt like doing the running - Aspen 
I didnt like it when my shoe made me trip up - Gracie
When I got the stitch - Alfie
I didn't like the high jump because I couldnt land on my feet.  - Isaac
I didn't like not winning in the hurdles - Orla
I didn't the running final - because it was really long and made me tired. - Bruno and Harry
I didn't like long distance. - Isla 
I didnt like doing the high jump - Ned and Brooklyn B 


The long distance final for the year 2's  - Nicola
Watching people do the egg race - Indygo
The shotput - Finn
When I got to watch people run really fast to the finish line in the long distance. - Gracie
When they did the sprints - Emilie 

Wednesday, 19 November 2014

5 sentence challenge -The haunted house - by Orla

One stormy night in a forest there was a haunted house.  In every room was something scary. A witch, a ghost and a skeleton.  A girl knocked on the door... and... all the scary people came out and trapped her.  They pulled her inside and turned her into a ghost.

By Orla 

5 Sentence Challenge - The Haunted House by Alfie

Wons a haunted manchin aped in the midill of a graveyrd.

A man was tid and hungre so the man noct on the door.  

Thn... rrr a sketin pill him in!

He wos so frect owt he fanted.  

Wen he woce up he saw a zombie. 

Once a haunted mansion appeared in the middle of a graveyard. 

A man was tired and hungry so the man knocked on the door. 

Then... rrrrr..... a skeleton pulled him in!

He was so freaked out, he fainted. 

When he woke up he saw a zombie. 

5 Sentence Challenge - Haunted House by Summer

In a haunted house there lived a witch.

She cackled so loud that the ground shock.

There were spider webs everywhere.

The witches hoses were pointy as thistles

The witch turned everyone into toads and she laughed.

By Summer

5 Sentence Challenge - The Haunted House by Gracie

One terafing night a little girl crept out of her house and into winnter.

She ran down a pathh in a dark wood.

Sudily, she looked in front of her and saw a spooky house cover with spider webs.

Kabam rain!

She went to the door of the house and she nocked on the door...

By Gracie

Thursday, 13 November 2014


Willeim the wolrus werks at the werhas by ALFIE

William the walrus works at the warehouse.

- Posted Miss D

alliteration by Summer

Pole prunsis to parss

Polly prances to Paris

By Summer

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Alliteration by Emilia

Fred the fiumnman fits fire foams.

Fred the fireman fights fiery flames.

- Posted using BlogPress f

alliteration by Gracie

Cleo clown claps on cliffs.

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alliteration by Nicola

Pluoto pleous with plenty of plats.

Pluto Plié with plenty of plates

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alliteration by Aspen

Fred frog frolics in fruns

Fred frog frolics in France.

By Aspen

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Alliteration by James A

Troy triserotops tris to trick or treat for tresher.

Troy Triceratops tries to trick or treat for treasure.

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Alliteration by Isla

Fliying fliy flow to flioruda

Flying fly flew to Florida.

By Isla

- Posted Miss D


Eliott elphaand eats eggs at eskat.

Eliott elephant eats eggs at Eastgate.

Olly okpos likes orinjis onoktober

Olly octopus likes oranges in October

By Olly

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Suley seyhorse sls Sosgs

Sally seahorse sells sausages.

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Grumpy Gracie ets graps at grampars.

Grumpy Gracie eats grapes at grandpas.

Gerald the gruff jumps Jees.

Gerald the giraffe jumps over Jess.

By Lucy Rose

- Posted

Wednesday, 12 November 2014

We're going on a polar bear hunt by Brooklyn A

We're going on a polber hunt.
We're going to cach a big wun
What a rainy day.
We're not sked.

Oh no! A Wotatholl
A big wrashing Wotatholl

We can't go under it, we can't go through it.
Oh no we have to go up it.

Splsh sposh

- Posted Miss D


Today Ocean brought in her froglet. We were scientist and drew observational drawings of it.

Check out Indygo's awesome drawing.

- Posted Miss D

Tuesday, 11 November 2014

Art lesson

Today we had an art lesson with Bianca from the Christchurch art gallery.
We painted a still life of flowers. We had to mix our colours.


Posted Miss D

Thursday, 6 November 2014

It's not a box

Today we had a giant box in the class.

Here is a video of some of our imaginative play

YouTube Video

- Posted Miss D

It's not a box

Wednesday, 5 November 2014

Frog Report By Devon

Frogs are amphibians and they can live in water or on land.

Frog start as eggs.  They look like little white balls.

Frogs lay eggs in the water.  Then the egg turns into tadpoles.

A tadpole grows into a grows into a frog.  This is called metamorphosis.

First the tadpole grows the front legs.   It's tail gets smaller and the tongue gets stretchier.

Once it's tail is gone it is a frog.

Tuesday, 4 November 2014


Yesterday Ocean brought her tadpoles to school.  We had lots of fun observing them.
Some of them had back legs and some had front and back legs.

We decided to be scientists and write our own information reports about tadpoles.  We used our white thinking hat and Miss Dippie wrote down what we knew and what we had learnt from reading about frogs.

Here is Ocean's report so far.

Frog are amphibians.  They live in water and on land.  Frogs start as eggs.  The frogs lay the eggs.  Turn they turn into tadpoles.  A tadpole goes through metamorphosis.  First it grows back legs.  Then it grows front legs.  Next its tail starts to go.  Then it is called a froglet.

Friday, 31 October 2014


- on Friday we made pikelets with isaac's mum called heather.It was fun.

By Gracie and Lulu

Posted Miss D

Friday, 24 October 2014

Simile Writing

This week we have been writing simile
We published our favourite piece of writing and put it up onto our writing chart

Come and read our stories 

Simile Writing

- Posted Miss D

Wednesday, 22 October 2014

Rainbow Simile

As red as blood
As orange as tangerine
As yellow as honey
As green as leaves
As blue as the sky
As purple as grape

By James A, Nicola, Isla, Brooklyn A

Rainbow Simile

As red as a strawberry
As orange as an apricot
As yellow as a lemon
As green as a kiwifruit
As blue as the waves
As purple as iris

By Summer, Eliott, Emilia, Alfie, Gracie, Lachlan

Rainbow Similes

As red as a rose,
As orange as a pumpkin,
As yellow as the Sun.
As green as grass,
As blue as the ocean,
As purple as a plum
As pink as a marshmellow

By Olly, Luke, Devon, Lucy-Rose and Ocean 

White thinking hats

We are learning to recall facts.

We shared what we could remember about goldfish from yesterday. miss D had to do some upside down writing so we could read our facts.

Look at our goldfish faces

- Posted Miss D

Tuesday, 21 October 2014

Using our white hat

We are using our white hat to share some facts that the dragonflies learnt about rain forests.

Rain forests are dark and wet and there is not much light - Summer

Some of the leaves climb up the plants so that they can get all the sunlight they need - Lucy-Rose

Panthers live there. The forest floor is very dark. Thousands of animals make the rainforest their home.  - Isla

Trees grow together - Brooklyn A

Some trees grow up to the very top.  - Brooklyn B

Simile Writing


We are using our white thinking hats to find out able goldfish

They can't survive in salty water - Luke
They have gills - Emilia
They can be black or orange - Eliott
You can put water snails in a goldfish tank to help keep the water clean  - Luke
They need fresh water - Hugo

The Baby Dragon

Today for writing we are looking at this picture

Miss Dippie asked us where it came from:

A dangerous place - Isla
A cave in a cliff in America - James A
A cave, in the desert in China - Brooklyn A
The Netherlands, underground- Alfie
Australia - Gracie
South America - Eliott
It was born in the olden days - Summer
Africa - Lachlan

Why is it so small?

It's a baby - James A and James L
Because is meant to be small because it is a small dragon - Isla
Some magic got on him so he turned small - Nicola
It has just been born. It came from an egg - Summer
It is just a toy -Gracie

We had some interesting questions

Is a dragon a mammal?
Is it real?

We are going to write about the dragon and share our writing with you later today.

Monday, 20 October 2014


Today we wrote about our class penguin Skipper.

We were learning to use simile to make our description more interesting

Skipper has a black and white body.  His beak is as yellow as the sun.
- Lachlan

Skipper is our class penguin.  He is black and white with an orange beak which is an orange as an apricot  He is as cuddly as rabbit.

Skipper is a penguin  He has black feathers all over him and he has an orange beak  He is as soft as a feather.

Skipper's feather are as black as night. His beak is as orange as a carrot.
- Isla

Skipper has eyes that are as black as a sultana.  His beak is as pointy as a triangle.  His neck doesn't have much stuffing because he has been hugged to much.
- Brooklyn A

Thursday, 16 October 2014

Who helps us at Sumner School?

This term for our inquiry we are learning about who helps us and how we say thank you.

We wrote about some of the people and how we think they help us.

Mr Cameron is our principal.  He is nice principal because he works out all the problems in the school like if the pipes are blocked.  He is also my best buddy and he cancels his own plans to help us.
By James A

Trevor is our caretaker. He tidies the gutters and fixes the lights.  Trevor helps me by getting balls down from trees.  I love Trevor.

By Alfie

Imogen is one of our head students.  I like it when she helps with assembly.  She is pretty and kind.  She helps us in the playground

By Gracie

Trevor is our caretaker  and Trevor mows the lawn on the field.  He picks up any rubbish in the school.  Trevor helps us find lost toys.

By Devon

Mr Cameron is our principal .  He is handsome and good at fixing problems.  He pays a lot of bills and writes forms.  He works and works.  He is amazing.

By Emilia. 

Asking Questions

We are learning to ask questions about what we are reading especially about non fiction texts.

We are learning to ask questions using 

Here are some of our questions from our Brown Bear non fiction text today.

When do Brown Bears sleep?
Where do they sleep when they hibernate?
What do Brown Bears eat?

Wednesday, 15 October 2014

Athletics practice

Today we practiced long distance running and sprints.
We had lots of fun.

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Tuesday, 14 October 2014

imagine a place

Imagine place where boats brick houses on top with tall trees.  The boats are whooshing to Australia

By Orla

Imagine a Place

Imagine a place when a fence is a boat.   If a house is near the water,  the water would take a picture of the houses.

By James L 

Imagine a place

Imagine a place where you house is flowing through the ways and it is normally time to be brave.

James A 

Imagine a place

Imagine a place were houses on boats drift to a water playground. and others go to a park when the ocean is frozen. 

By Nicola 

Imagine a place

Imagine a place were there were are red brick houses on boats. Sometimes they float away.

By Isla

Imagine a place

Imagine a place.... the place has two boats that look like castles

By Eliott 

Imagine a place

Imagine a place where house run down into the water.
Imagine a place where the water was glass.
People are surfing on the glass.

By Alfie

Imagine a place

Imagine a place that looks like a castle.  It has lots of house drifting out to the waves
It is beautiful.  It is like a dream.

By Emilia 

Imagine a place

Imagine a place across the sea where the sky is dark on one side.  The sea is like blue glass.

By Summer 

imagine a place

Imagine a place that has boats with homes on them.  You can drift anywhere.

By Lachlan

Imagine a place

Imagine a place with lots of snazzy buildings.  The buildings look like castles in the sky blue water.

By Gracie 

Imagine a Place

Imagine a place where houses are on boats out in the sea.  People are scuba diving.

By Brooklyn B

Imagine a Place

Imagine a place where the houses are like boats that look like leaves.
The houses on the land have fences that look like boats.

By Ocean 

imagine a place

Imagine a place with boat houses on the sea, going away somewhere else.

By Luke 

Imagine a place

Imagine a place a when houses were on boats in the sea, made out of bricks, drifting in the sea

By Olly 

imagine a place

Imagine a place where houses can drift in the water, made out of bricks.

By Lucy-Rose 

imagine a place

Imagine a place where there were house boats and the house boats were on the sea and people were helping the houseboats swim.

By Devon 


Wow look at all the information we now know about hippos.

- Posted Miss D

Monday, 13 October 2014


Today the butterflies were reading about hippos.
We wrote our prior knowledge in black before we read and  added after we read in blue.
We got to write onto our new whiteboard jellybean table 

Tuesday, 23 September 2014

Hank finds an Eggs

Today we wrote the solution for Hank's problem. Hank found an egg in the forest and he wanted to return it back to it's nest. See Brooklyn, Eliott and Summer's great solutions!

Hank found and egg

Hank found an egg so ... He tried to get it up to the nee in the tree but he couldn't because it was too high. He pulled a flax leaf off a bush and he lassoed the egg to its nest.

By Summer

Hank found an egg

Hank found an egg so ... He made a jet pack on his back then he shot up to the nest and dropped the egg in the nest

By Eliott

Hank finds an egg

Hank found an egg so he might make a climbing rope then he will be abl to pot The egg in The nest.

By Brooklyn B


This week is our last week of PMP so we wrote a reflection about our time at PMP.

Here are some of them

At PMP I liked the spinning top because you go backwards and forwards. You go left and right.

I am good at hitting with the bat.

PMP is really fun.

I need to practice balancing

By Aspen

At PMP I like doing forward rolls because I like rolls. 

I am good at hitting the ball with a bat. 

I want to get better at dish rolls. 

By Gracie 

At PMP I liked to go on the slide because it was fun. 

I am good at the spinning top. 

I liked to be better at pencil rolls

By Devon 

Monday, 22 September 2014

Kangaroo dot art

Last week we read the traditional tale How the Kangaroo got its tail.

We painted our own beautiful kangaroos using dot art. We talked about which colours would be best and how traditionally Aboriginal Dot Art would've been created.

Te Manawa created some amazing art and we are all proud of our efforts.

- Posted Miss D

Imagine a night by James ,A

Imagine an night when there are dog,s cycling down the street in pyjamas barking.

Imagine a night by Brooklyn A

Amgine a night wher dog are standing up on rolscats they are sicating dan the rold to countdown to get dog food .

Imagine a night, where dogs are standing up on roller skate. They are skating down the road to countdown to get dog food.

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Friday, 19 September 2014

Painting a picture with our words

Today for writing we have been focused on painting a picture with out words.

Here is some super star writing from James L

I can see shining hot air balloons in the sky, glowing in the darkness. 

Thursday, 18 September 2014


Look at what we do at Pmp

YouTube Video

- Posted Miss D

Tuesday, 16 September 2014

Parachute predictions -Alfie

YouTube Video

- Posted Miss D


Today we made our parachutes 

We observed which parachute worked the best, one with the biggest or smallest surface area. 

How does a parachute work?

Te Manawa are learning about how a parachute works.

This morning we made a prediction about which parachute would work the best - the one with the smallest or biggest surface area.
You can see our video predictions on the blog.

Parachute predictions -Eliott

YouTube Video

- Posted Miss D

Parachute predictions -Summer

YouTube Video

- Posted Miss D

Parachute predictions -Lachlan

YouTube Video

- Posted Miss D

Thursday, 11 September 2014

Buddy reading

Today Ms Scolar played the guitar and we sung Happy Birthday to Lucy-Rose in 4 different ways

- Posted Miss D

Coin Trail

Today the whole School brought a donation for the Paraparaumu School who lost their junior school in a fire

By Aspen

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Wednesday, 10 September 2014

Let's Go Fly a Kite

Te Manawa went down to the beach and flew our kites that we made as part of our flight inquiry.
We had lots of parent helps which made repairing and untangling kites so much easier.

We all had so much fun flying kites! For lots of us it was the first time flying a kite but we all got really good at the end.  Ieuan and Aspen got their kites up so high that we couldn't even see the pictures anymore and Charlie got his so high that it was using all the string to fly!

Lots of people on the Esplanade stopped and watched us and some even helped when our kites got a bit stuck on the rocks.

Thank you Greer for the great photos. 

Monday, 8 September 2014


Check out all the great workers of Te Manawa.

Copying sentences and adding punctuation

Finding words that end with ing

Scanning for ing words

Independent weekend writing

- Posted Miss D